Thursday, August 21, 2008

yay for LA- day 2

on saturday we bought employee "not for resale" tickets to universal studios for $15- not too shabby, even if the guy that sold them to us wasn't really supposed to- oooops. it was great fun

here are the wonderful hosts from the weekend- THE tyson and heather fujikawa... or as the primary president called her, sister lilysawa (i dunno- just say it with an asian accent)
thanks guys

the new simpsons ride was all the rage- and thanks to our unnamed employee friend we had passes to go right to the front of the line. only thing- the pass was only supposed to work for 4 people, and we were 5... the girl wasn't gonna let us in until tys pulled out the spanish-speaking charm and said we were her friends. "if you were my friends you would bring me food" she replied. well, we got in. no line. so worth it. the best part was heath laughing like the toddler on youtube. way better than the ride and the ride was great.

here we are with lindsay and brandon wells- the reason for the cheap tickets and fellow byu pr people... except they actually graduated. one day i will get that part too. the unnamed kid that sold us the tickets was actually an intern for brandon at his pr firm where he works on pr for nintendo. lindsay does pr for toyota and yamaha. but it was awesome to get to know them- such great people and a way cute couple. this stella pic is from the jurassic park ride. the whole time we waited in line... which wasn't long, hence why we didn't use the line-skipping ticket thingies... heather and tyson were guaranteeing that we wouldn't get wet on the ride and that the middle was the safest seat. let's just agree to disagree. i was smack dab in the middle seat- the logical spot for a single girl surrounded by two couples and on a 5-person row- and came out the worst. the black shirt doesn't do the wetness justice. but the pants are classic...
oh, and lindsay was pissed!

snack time! showing off the new white bangles and in front of the mummy ride- this one was over really fast. it was fun- herky jerky- lots of starts and stops and spinning and backwards and dark- let's be honest i was glad it ended when it did. i didn't want to get sick. but after this ride we were all ready for a break! we did the "backdraft" walk through and went and saw...

the water world show starring the stunt people from all your favorite shows. at this point we had dried off and we were quite pleased we didn't sit in the soak zone! but the stunts were pretty impressive and would have finished off our day if we hadn't decided to use our pass-cutting-line-thingies to go to the house of horror. is it october? because it pretty much just felt like haunted house. heather's screams were once again worth the trip.


lyndsey said...

lol fantastic recap. and YES it was totally a lie about the "dry middle seat" -- total BS. good thing i got over that one :)

and seriously? a haunted house in august? hahaha. so glad we agree on so many items.

Tyson and Heather said...

he he ha ha. i really do agree that the simpson's ride was one of the greatest joys of my life.

Larsens said...

The trick is to find the exit sign and look at it when you are in a stationary ride that's herky jerky. That is guaranteed not to make you barf. At least that's my ride when Rod and Alex talk me into rides that I really, really don't want to go to.