Saturday, June 14, 2008

a lil bit of style

since i met this little wonder in the airport, it has been a full on love affair. i find myself doing anything i can to make her laugh! this week she sported my not-so-small sunglasses and pulled them off well. i couldn't resist!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

our day in pictures

an old friend

yesterday i had the pleasure of spending the day with my first college girlfriend... the miss katy lyn gush and future mrs. pendleton. we met freshman year and created a real and lasting friendship. we spent the day at gateway... YIKES.... and at temple square. we were determined to get our parking paid for- hence the necessary array of bags! when we were in the gap store at gateway we played a game.... katy had to guess what colors of a certain shirt i own... i am pleased to report that she only guessed one amiss! i knew she knew me, but that one took the cake! i truly am blessed to have met such great friends at BYU, a true lasting treasure from higher education!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

its been hard

entao- essa fami'lia tem grande importancia na minha vida! e' bem provavel q essas foram as primeiras pessoas no brasil quem eu amava.... e o amor e' eterno! eles me ensinaram lutar pelo q e' certo, sorrir nas dificuldades, chorar quando for necessario e sempre agarrar o evangelho. sou uma pessoa melhor por ter conhecido pessoas assim, e meu coracao doi por estar tao longe delas.

TRANSLATION: so this family is super important in my life. they were probably the first people i loved in brasil, and that love is eternal! they taughtme to fight for what is right, smile through the trials, cry when neccessary and always grab hold to the gospel. i am a better person for having met people like them, and my heart aches now that i am far away

So- Heidi Palmer did me in.... I started a blog. I have often thought that my life has nothing blog-worthy about it. But maybe in the mundane search for myown place in the now non-brasilian universe this can help me find the simple pleasures in life and stop to appreciate the many blessings i do have.