Wednesday, June 3, 2009

a lil bit of separation anxiety

i hate when shows end. i hate when movies end. i hate when things in general end...
[think soccer, london, mission et al]

i think that's why i was able to watch chasing liberty three times in one night once...

i think that's why i can only stomach watching the first act of camelot - i know eventually everything goes to pot in the second act... but king arthur's dream can't really end, can it? and his love?

i think that's why bonus features are my favorite part of every dvd - when the movie ends i get to watch at least two more hours of footage! it keeps going, and going, and going

i think that's why i cheer extra loud at the end of a show- thinking i'll make the difference, we'll be the exceptional audience, we'll get an encore
has "he's just not that into you" taught us nothing? we are not the exception... we are the rule. i am the rule. it's over. it ends. done.

p.s. i l-o-v-e-d mary poppins tonight. absolutely FABULOUS! laugh out loud funny, if i were the crying type i may have even shed a tear... and great family values and message.

cheers to disney.
cheers to broadway.

cheers to disney on broadway.

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