Wednesday, May 6, 2009

a lil bit of a detour

have you ever taken the long way home, just so you had more time to read?

ya, me neither... i was just wondering.

on an unrelated note, i finished my book today.
i bought it monday...night.


Renee said...

Good for you! I love a good book every once in makes me feel good!

CourtneyFJ said...

Must have been good- which book was it?

Lindsay Anne said...

I totally have. Especially if I'm listening to a book on tape/cd. Don't be ashamed of who you are.

YMGD Recipes said...

I totally have done that. I find that when I read on the way home, I hit less red lights (I only read when I'm stopped at red lights). Then, before I get home to the mess and confusion of my family, I pull over in a parking lot for a little while, and read.
I love to read.

Williams Fam said...

What book ALs?! (okay, how did i not know you had a blog-I think i get the "lousiest sister-n-law of the year" award=( we REALLY need to talk!!!! I love you and hope the Big NYC is treating you well!