Thursday, June 5, 2008

its been hard

entao- essa fami'lia tem grande importancia na minha vida! e' bem provavel q essas foram as primeiras pessoas no brasil quem eu amava.... e o amor e' eterno! eles me ensinaram lutar pelo q e' certo, sorrir nas dificuldades, chorar quando for necessario e sempre agarrar o evangelho. sou uma pessoa melhor por ter conhecido pessoas assim, e meu coracao doi por estar tao longe delas.

TRANSLATION: so this family is super important in my life. they were probably the first people i loved in brasil, and that love is eternal! they taughtme to fight for what is right, smile through the trials, cry when neccessary and always grab hold to the gospel. i am a better person for having met people like them, and my heart aches now that i am far away

1 comment:

Jana said...

Yay for being forced to blog! I could not be more excited about it! Sorry I am a horrible friend - no excuse but my life is insane! Talk to you soon! Love ya girl!